Friday, September 13, 2024

The Record Marathon WIN streak : Market Turns Down, Marathon Lives On to 1st Anniversary! [1 Jul till 31 Jul 2021]

 New #140 Minho opened accounts Jul 1st in a final exit of shares bought in 2019  while #141 Kumpulan Powernet[KPower] rewarded five averaging down purchases that began just above $1 to just below 70c with a sale at around 90c. #130 SCIB completed a hat3rick later in the day as a re-purchase at 76c & 48c was sold at over 60c:


They handed the baton to fresh #142 Resintech on the 2nd, with a January purchase in the low 30c range sold close to 50c:
#69 MESB & #128 Kumpulan Jetson both delivered 2nd helpings the next Monday, 5th Jul, the latter sold at over 40c after a purchase in the mid-30c range a fortnight prior:
Mesiniaga then delivered its own 2nd round on Tuesday 6th Jul as it was sold at just under $2 a day after going limit-up, then handing over to TGL, sold for a 7th round in the $2.30 range netting a 61% gain over 6 years.

Pelikan then jumped in the afternoon & a chasing entry in Feb in the mid-30c range was pared above 40c without a loss:

Advance Synergy, purchased in Dec '20 for 14.5c, was sold in the 17.5-18c range to become new #144 while #47 Golden Pharos was sold an 8th time on Thursday 8th Jul:
#4 Choo Bee was disposed of a 5th time at a significantly lower price than the 4th round to close the week on the 9th:
The next Monday saw TGL surging to a fresh 52-week high of $3.28 after a sudden limit-up the previous Friday  & it was sold an 8th time above $3.10 to reach 236 days consecutively:
Tuesday 13 Jul saw #99 Kein Hing clinching a hat3rick of rounds with a sale in the mid-80c range, then passing the baton on to a duo of #126 OCB & #25 Notion VTec, the former briefly going limit up & doubling the capital plunked down in February while the latter rewarded a slightly early entry at 66c the previous month with a sale above 70c:

S'pore's Mun Siong Engineering, first purchased in early 2015 & averaged down substantially in early 2017, popped above 7c and was two-thirds sold as new #145, pairing with a resurgent #94 PAOS hat3rick as it soared to a fresh year high of 47.5c on Thursday 15th Jul. OCB attained its own hat3rick round on Friday 16th Jul, joining with a successful month-long punt on glove stock HLT Global, the 146th scalp of '21 & a 2nd round on #141 KPower to also bag the stock hat3rick:

2019 purchase JCB Next became the new #147 the following Monday, pairing with #55 Cepco, sold a 5th time into just as many rebounds back above $1 in '21:

KPower rewarded a 3rd re-entry as its price fell, with a hat3rick solo the day after the Jul 20th religious holiday on the 21st Jul:
CWG took charge with its own solo on Thursday 22nd July as shares averaged down since a 2018 re-entry down to 42c were sold completely on the way up, averaging over 55c to become winner #148, clinching 243 successive days in the marathon:
#24 Petronas Dagangan was scalped a 3rd time over 3 days on Friday 23rd Jul & hat3ricked with #3 Hwa Tai, sold a 7th time as it tripled the original purchase price the prior year, and new #149 KYM which doubled the investment made in January:
Friday saw #94 PAOS, a soap manufacturer, soar intraday to a high of 70c on volume of nearly 100 mil shares, compared to a low of 29.5c & on Monday 26th Jul & was sold to earn 64% on this 4th exit, bringing the marathon to the equivalent of a whole year of trading days:
New #150 TSR Capital & #151 Bright Packaging featured on Tuesday 27th Jul as the former unexpectedly surged & was disposed at an average of over 41.5c while the latter was sold for a >10% gain to reward a prescient averaging-down at 22c just a few days prior:
After I missed selling into a huge surge in shares of Rhone Ma, a vet supplies company, I took a consolation prize selling the new #152 on the 28th in the high 70c range after receiving  free warrants that fueled the earlier sharp rise. A speculative position taken at 18.4c in Tanco way back in July '13 was exited at 20.41c the next day, winner #152, pairing with a 2nd helping from #149 KYM, sold into a rebound over 70c:

The trading week and month ended on Friday 30th Jul with a hat3rick round on #108 Mercury, which was sold again over $1.30 while attaining a fresh 52-week high, bringing the marathon to 249 days in a row, a day after the First Anniversary of the current all-time record streak!


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