Monday, September 09, 2024

The Record Marathon WIN streak : March Mania ends with Archegos [3 Mar till 31 Mar 2021]

 The quad of the last day of the previous month downgraded to a triple on the 1st day of Mar as continued rises in 3 stocks were sold into: MESB, MTD ACPI & Hwa Tai after their first wins late the previous year or early in '21:

2nd Mar saw the completion of a triple-triple with Eden Inc shares hived off after a 6-month wait and Able Group & Landmarks sold for the 3rd & 2nd time respectively within that same timeframe. 
Wednesday 3 Mar then downgraded to a double consisting of Marco, purchased the previous Sept for a dividend & Cheetah, which had become a 5-bagger & hived a 5th time. Thursday repeated the feat with Edaran sold into a correction & Japanese stock Iwatsu Electric escaped from after a 3-year prison term thanks to the declaration of a special dividend. The final day of the week upgraded back to a triple as MPHB Capital surged, I-Bhd popped & Paragon Union, now almost 7x the price I had bought it just months ago, was sold into a rebound:
The triple-triple of  1-2 Mar was repeated across the weekend for 5-8 Mar as shipping giant MISC, purchased in Oct & Jan was hived as scalp #78 while smaller oil & gas player Coastal Contracts was escaped from & finally CEPCO was hived a 2nd time. Advanced Packaging, purchased long ago in 2013, was the sole protagonist to advance the marathon the next day, then handing the baton to the duo of Ecoworld & Kumpulan Perangsang S'gor thus attaining 81 winners. Japan again featured on Thursday 11th Mar with Nakayama Steel sold for a 16% profit after 4 months & local construction giant IJM hived for a 45% gain in 7 months. The week closed with another solo act by WCT Holdings, shares purchased for its dividend sold after a comparable holding period as IJM thus attaining 155 consecutive days:
The following Monday 15 Mar saw two lucky escapes: from AirAsia & KSL Holdings combining with a 2nd speculative scalp of convenience store chain MyNews. This hat3rick downgraded to a pair of sales of Eastern & Oriental & UEM Edgenta on 16th Mar which then linked with a short-term speculative gain on Lotte Chemical Titan the next day which in turned joined with a double of CYL & Parkwood[formerly AISB, an end '20 winner] as the former vaulted by over a third. During this time, my Nomura shares sustained their relentless rise in tandem with the bullish Japanese equity markets, harbouring a latent ticking time bomb which was to explode later. The week concluded partly in Tokyo with an escape from Nippon Television shares just 8 ticks from its high of '21 while a sale of crazily surging Gopeng shares & another paring of WCT completed the trio achieving 160 consecutive days!

The next week began with the consummation of a very very short-term punt on shares of PAOS, which was joined by a further sale of further-surging CYL on Tuesday 20 Mar:

A trio of  Japan's Maruhachi Securities [+42%], South M'sia Industries & another sale of MyNews contributed to the 163rd consecutive session:

Berjaya Land & Melewar paired up to contribute on the next day, 25th Mar:
MyNews continued to advance on the 26th & took the marathon baton alone to conclude the week:

On Monday the 29th, Kein Hing did another solo act to become the 99th contributor to the 166th consecutive day of +ve trading income, on a sombre day for me, as the earlier mentioned time bomb exploded for Nomura in Japan when a huge loss provision of up to $2 billion was announced the night before due to Archegos blowing up & contributing to a mortal wounding of Credit Suisse which would be swallowed up by Swiss rival UBS 2 years later: my nearly M$2,000 paper profit evaporated in less than a day! Despite the disappointment, Tuesday saw Berjaya Corporation clinching the Century Stock title for 2021 while Nomura continued to drop by 17% below its high the previous Friday on panicky selling action: 
Amid this confidence blow, CEPCO rebounded well over $1 after a sharp correction following the first surge that furnished the earlier two rounds & teamed up with new 101st winner Pasdec & another round on century stock Berjaya to conclude a bittersweet month. Nonetheless, the 2nd longest streak stood at 168 straight market days:


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