Sunday, September 01, 2024

The Record Marathon WIN streak : The Art- of being -wRight [8 Aug till 31 Aug 2020]

 By this stage, I had accumulated 167,300 shares of speculative AHB [formerly Artwright] based predominantly based on precedent chart patterns of outperforming stocks like Iris & Latexx. On hindsight I should have gone all out but based on risk management & prior experience, caution always trumps recklessness!

Meanwhile, other pennies were taking turns to leap as the speculative fervour had crested but was still very much churning & rotating from one stock to another: on a day when Johan leapt from 13c to a high of 24c on heavy volume, almost ten-bagging its 2.5c low in March, I sold a chunk of shares bought in 2018 for a 58% gain, followed the next day by Hiap Tek :

The next day saw the 5-stock achievement of 7th Aug repeated as AHB finally chalks a score after more than a year, together with a 2nd round on Johan, 3rd helpings from Karex & Solution & the debut of Poh Kong as a successful day-trade knife-catching a plunge from its buying-climax $1.80 peak contributed to a triumphant day:
Fellow furniture stock Wegmans joined it the next day [Aug 13] while Golden Pharos did the same on the 14th to close out the week:

The following Monday & Tuesday saw AHB taking sole possession of the baton while Karex & suddenly leaping Turiya joined it & formed a tag team trio on 19th Aug while Goodway & Solution replaced them on the 21st after the market holiday on the 20th, the latter securing four rounds:

I remembered the that 21st Aug Friday well: sitting in a mamak stall in Tesco mall while contemplating how much AHB to sell  & whether to wait for higher prices, the crabby owner approached me & asked me brusquely to go elsewhere to do my calculations, claiming that I was taking up his valuable tables while there were so many empty tables outside the mall! Credit to my spiritual learnings since the onset of the Covid lockdowns for my non-reaction to unwarranted rudeness. Instead I got up, quietly paid the bill & have never spent a cent in that establishment since!

Heading back to the now long-gone internet cafe nearby smarting a little, I immediately forgot the slight & witnessed AHB push upwards suddenly in the afternoon, delightfully selling piecemeal on the way up, even borrowing a worker's phone[I didn't own one then] to call the dealer requesting a transfer of one sale transaction from the one account to another! It was a most exuberantly redemptive day, the heavy afternoon downpour symbolizing the rain of good fortune!

The next Monday, that stock sprinted higher but encountered huge profit-taking in the low 30c range but still rose 3 ticks on volume of over 67 mil shares. I continued my selling on the upticks & garnered the 2nd highest daily income, behind only the exuberant $14,525 day when Sino Hua-An rocketed up on the last trading day in August 2017! Further sales of AHB followed in the next 3 days, joined on the 26th by leaping Industronics, KTB & S'pore's Jiutian Chemical. It was a prescient call as the stock would make a climax peak on the first day of September & despite intermittent pump-and-dumps in the following years, now languishes at one-tenth of that euphoric peak!

The last trading day of the month was the only one that week where AHB was not sold & Emico stepped up to secure 21 straight days with a 2nd round ahead of the Independence Day market break on 31st Aug:

 *Next: A great post-peak Birthday month!


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