Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Record Marathon WIN streak : April Lulls [1 Apr till 30 Apr 2021]

 April Fool's Day Thursday sees another sale of #97 Berjaya Land a day after a massive surge on huge volume of over 100 mil shares from below 30c to above 40c, getting executed from 42c to 49.5c to double the invested capital. On Friday 2nd Apr, Solid Automotive nets a 28% gain after 7 months as new scalp #102:

The following week witnessed #22 Paragon Union pared a SIXTH time for a 590% gain at above $2, handing off to #47 Golden Pharos for a hat3rick of rounds via a premature sale. On Wednesday 7th Apr, #101 Pasdec rose to fresh highs and got sold a 2nd time above 40c while bargain-hunted Supermax became #103 with a sale just below $5 of shares bought just above $4 in Mar on Thursday. Friday belonged to #102 Solid Automotive as it was further sold between 27-28.5c :
That week saw a sudden sharply traumatic event shake my resolve, later manifesting as itchy rash spots all over my body as I dealt with & mulled over its implications and also grappled with the loss of my beloved furbaby's eyesight via cataracts less than 2 months prior.

Regardless, Texchem featured the following Monday 12th Apr by repeating a win from '20 as #104 with a sale of shares just under $1, nearly doubling the invested funds and then passing the baton on to Theta Edge which consolidated its own annual repeat with a 2nd sale. The next day featured educational stock Sasbadi as the fresh new #105 with a sale of shares purchased in Oct '20 in the 12-12.5c range for 15.5-16c. On Thursday 15th Apr, a March re-purchase of Prolexus at just over 80c proved fruitful with a sale just under $1 and the week concluded as it had started: Texchem was pared further as it rose above $1.10 to attain 180 consecutive days:

S'pore's NTegrator took charge the following Monday 19th Apr with a speculative position taken the previous August at 1c was EXITed from at 1.6c, a prescient & fortunate farewell as the company would become the victim of misappropriated funds months later & be suspended in May '22 :
Another tricky stock, #57 MMAG Int'l witnessed a 3rd short-term scalping in the previous half-year on Tuesday 20th Apr, followed by a 2nd round on #105 Sasbadi with a sale as it surged above 22c:
The new quarter was certainly a climbdown from the still frothy speculative fervour of the first quarter with solitary contributions continuing with UMS Neiken on Thursday and Golden Pharos for the 4th time on Friday as the stock popped:
The following week saw #45 Teo Guan Lee(TGL) going limit UP on Monday 26th Apr after a weeks-long lull & it paired with #47 Golden Pharos being sold a 5th time as it surged above 36c. The former would feature for 3 of the 4 days in this Apr 29th-holiday-shortened week as it continued to be ramped by an unknown party to a 2nd limit up at $2.45 & another huge surge to above $3 on Friday 30th Apr. The 188th successive market day, the 28th of Apr was ceded to #99 Kein Hing with a sale just under $1 only because TGL was frozen at its 2nd limit up by exchange rules:
However, TGL did have to share Friday honours with new #108 Mercury as it was sold at $1.16 after an entry at 67c in Dec & an addition @ 83c in Feb '21. Great pleasure was derived throughout the week by hiving off the 10,000 shares purchased in 2014 & 2016 at satisfyingly profitable levels after already collecting over $3,000 in dividends in the interim!


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