Having lusted for some time to earn from one/more of the five "sogo shosha" 総合商社 that were largely responsible for putting 🎌 on the global map, I made a play for that attainment on Feb 12th by queueing to buy Sumitomo Corp 住友商事, one of the top three at ¥3,278 which saved me more than one commission but which tumbled further to just above ¥3,200 two trading sessions ago.
Over the Emperor's birthday market holiday yesterday, news emerged that famed US investor Buffett had built up on his 5% positions taken in 2019 & the prices of all five conglomerates jumped from the open! Seeing the Nikkei index plunge due to the delayed follow-on from the Dow's 748 point swoon last Friday, I made a quick decision to unload onto the strong market for Sumitomo shares at ¥3,444, part of a small island of firmness amid 2,254 tumbling equities today:
Thus have I attained NINE 🎌 scorers with February barely even over, equalizing 2021 & 2022's then joint record & bringing to EIGHTY the total companies earned from in those distant isles, guaranteeing at least an average of TEN a year of ¥ trading income. 1,135 days in the marathon & 3 foreign winners in the last 4 days is no mean feat!!!
Today, I also have the great pleasure of seeing recently acquired Japan Central Railway 東海旅客鉄道 & Mabuchi Motor マブチモータ move into net paper profits with gross gains of ¥12,200 and ¥10,700 respectively while over in Hong Kong, Johnson Electric shares came within 4 cents of touching my exit price yesterday & I saved HK$124 & HK$151 respectively on the VWAP & closing levels at 4:08pm.