Friday, February 28, 2025

Incredible Streak : 🏮🐉Alibaba repeats a RECORD to close February at 1,138 ! {28th Feb '25}

    The tension from 4 years involving the threat of delisting from the NYSE is completely dissolved as #17 Alibaba is again pared by 63% for an average of  $132.277 early in the US trading session, the highest priced disposal of 4 rounds in the last 5 months, reprising & equaling the record 5 consecutive foreign stock winning market days bagged on Valentine's Day exactly a fortnight ago:

Thus, a 27.7% gross ROI is obtained, leaving the last handful of shares to duke it out with Fate in the coming weeks or months!

A most gratifying 55 full months is reached in the ongoing gargantuan, miraculous feat of endurance, bringing the total of the two longest streaks [2020 till now & 2017-2018] to 1,600 market days!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Incredible Streak : S'pore's Ellipsiz contributes for the FIRST time since MAY 2016! {27th Feb '25}


       Pared 60% of my Oct 7th '24-acquired stake for between 22-22.5c for a 26% gross capital gain on TOP of two dividends, 1c in Oct '24 & 5c today, tacking on another 34%! Last purchased in Oct '15 for the equivalent of 32.23c & sold 7 months later for a 7% ROI [@ 34.5c or more than double the 2024 entry] after 1 dividend! 

   4 foreign winning days in a row comprising FIVE stocks from 3 jurisdictions this week...set to emulate the 5 foreign days consecutively feat of 2 weeks ago as I get set to bid farewell to Alibaba on Friday!!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Incredible Streak : A🎌DOUBLE🎌, the First Foreign Duo since Petrochina/China Mobile on 18 Feb '21! {25th Feb '25}

  With the Nikkei swooning from the opening bell, I thought it prudent to raise some more cash on the Tokyo equity market to hedge my portfolio & picked the easiest target: Mabuchi Motor マブチモーター. It duly dipped to my delight but soon popped up, perhaps due to short-covering, by ¥20 over my exit level. As I was enjoying a light lunch in preparation for feasting at #24 Kuala Lumpur Kepong's meeting on Friday, I suddenly noticed the name of the stock topping Japan's % Gainers list: Econach エコナック! Gleefully, I experimented to see if LUCKning could strike thrice in the same place: the hospital cafeteria where I received notification that my previous two limit-up plays, Yumemitsuketai 夢みつけ隊 & Kodama Chemical 児玉化学工業, were sold! 

  I placed the sell order for 400 shares at the ¥183 stop high quotation when the market price was ¥171 and waited... almost immediately after I WhatsApp-ed the order, Econach's price starting climbing back past the  ¥180 level & filled my heart with hope. Sure enough, it re-visited the stop high price slightly over an hour after that level was grazed due to what I would later discover was a raising of profit guidance & the company's first dividend since 1969!!!

  However, I waited & waited but no confirmation of my order arrived, leaving me miffed & mystified. Had my luck worn out? As it turned out, the confirmation came less than 15 minutes to the Tokyo close even though it was probably executed while I was dining on nasi lemak more than an hour prior! At the close, despite softening by nearly 8% from the limit high, it TOPped 🎌Japan's🎌 Top % Gainer tables handily:

  Thus, I exceeded my own expectations with the first foreign double in the same day days after the fourth Anniversary of the  China Mobile/ Petrochina  pairing on 18/2/21 & push my 🎌 Tokyo 🎌 tally to ELEVEN in '25 & 82 since my debut there in 2017! Also, another 3 foreign-winners-in-a-row attainment less than a fortnight after the unprecedented 5 foreign-wins-consecutively attainment to consolidate a fresh high of 1,136 successive days!!!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Incredible Streak : 🎌Sumitomo Corp 住友商事 Pays Me Today to Equal '21/'22's total tally of NINE 🎌 Scorers! {25th Feb '25}

   Having lusted for some time to earn from one/more of the five "sogo shosha" 総合商社 that were largely responsible for putting 🎌 on the global map, I made a play for that attainment on Feb 12th by queueing to buy Sumitomo Corp 住友商事, one of the top three at  ¥3,278 which saved me more than one commission but which tumbled further to just above ¥3,200 two trading sessions ago. 

 Over the Emperor's birthday market holiday yesterday, news emerged that famed US investor Buffett had built up on his 5% positions taken in 2019 & the prices of all five conglomerates jumped from the open! Seeing the Nikkei index plunge due to the delayed follow-on from the Dow's 748 point swoon last Friday, I made a quick decision to unload onto the strong market for Sumitomo shares at ¥3,444, part of a small island of firmness amid 2,254 tumbling equities today:

   Thus have I attained NINE 🎌 scorers with February barely even over, equalizing 2021 & 2022's then joint record & bringing to EIGHTY the total companies earned from in those distant isles, guaranteeing at least an average of TEN a year of  ¥ trading income. 1,135 days in the marathon & 3 foreign winners in the last 4 days is no mean feat!!!
    Today, I also have the great pleasure of seeing recently acquired Japan Central Railway 東海旅客鉄道 & Mabuchi Motor マブチモータ move into net paper profits with gross gains of  ¥12,200 and ¥10,700 respectively while over in Hong Kong, Johnson Electric shares came within 4 cents of touching my exit price yesterday & I saved HK$124 & HK$151 respectively on the VWAP & closing levels at 4:08pm.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Incredible Streak : 🈵 Johnson Electric 🈶 leaves after 34 months & 6 dividends ! {24th Feb '25}

 The first [& hopefully not the last] Hong Kong winner in 2025, after a solitary win there from Kerry Properties in 2024, it has paid dividends representing an 8% ROI & the net capital gain is slated to be over 6%!

  This comes after 34 months of patient waiting through the '21-'24 Hong Kong bear market & thus the streak attains 1,134 consecutive days of financial freedom! The difference between the VWAP & closing price at day's end versus the exit price of HK$14.88 comes up to almost $60 & $224 respectively even using a very, very low HK$ rate of 0.52 [vs 0.5668 at the time of writing] !

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Selected Japanese stocks researched, bought or targeted

              Kyocera in 2000, 2002, 2019 & 2023 [bought & sold for 13% profit]:

                                              Toyobo in 2014 & 2023 [bought]:

Daiwa Heavy [traded 3X from Aug '23 till Nov '24,the last time being a 34% score on its privatization; 2nd highest earner in JPN]:

                                           Molitec Steel [stalked]:
   Shiseido in 1976,1989,1996 & 1999 [bought & SOLD for a 7% gain + dividend]:
 SMK [stalked]:
YKT in 2016 & 2019 [earned 46% in Sep '17 & 19% in Dec '24]:
Panasonic in 1979 [earned 7% capital gain after 2 dividends in '24]:
Faith [missed & taken over shortly after!]:
 Nippon Light Metal [stalked]:
 Toho Titanium [stalked & fortunately skipped!]: 
BP Castrol [watching]:
WOWOW [watching]:
Taiyo Yuden in 1976 & 1979 [stalked but missed]:

Rohm in 2013 & 2023 [bought &SOLD for 10% profit] & Hamamatsu Photonics in 2019 & 2023 [watching]:

Denka in 2002,2004 & 2013 [stalking]:
Murata in 1976 [stalking but missed]:
Subaru [earned 10% within 3 months] & Yasunaga in 2019 [watching]:

Eisai in 1976, 2002,2005,2019 & 2023 [stalking]:

Omron in 1996, 2016, 2019 & 2023 [stalking]:

Iseki in 1979 [watching]:
Ono Pharma in 1991 & 2014 [bought but dropped]:
Yaskawa in 1978 & 2023 [stalking] :

Honda in 1983 [ watching] :
Dentsu in 2005 [ earned 7% + 1 dividend trading it in '23/'24 & watching for re-entry chance] :
Shionogi in 2005,2016 & 2019 [ watching]:

Yamaha in 2023[ bought & SOLD for an 8% gain; chart looks good for medium-long term]:

FANUC in 1991 [watching]:
Minebea Mitsumi in 1989 [ watching ]:
Nippon Chemi-Con in 1983 & 2023 [stalking]:

Kirin in 1991 & 2014 [ bought & earned 1 dividend but in a small paper loss]:

Olympus in 2000 [watching]:
Pacific Metals in 2007, 2013 & 2023 [watching]:
Gun-ei Chem in 2023 [ watching ]: