Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Incredible Streak : A🎌DOUBLE🎌, the First Foreign Duo since Petrochina/China Mobile on 18 Feb '21! {25th Feb '25}

  With the Nikkei swooning from the opening bell, I thought it prudent to raise some more cash on the Tokyo equity market to hedge my portfolio & picked the easiest target: Mabuchi Motor マブチモーター. It duly dipped to my delight but soon popped up, perhaps due to short-covering, by ¥20 over my exit level. As I was enjoying a light lunch in preparation for feasting at #24 Kuala Lumpur Kepong's meeting on Friday, I suddenly noticed the name of the stock topping Japan's % Gainers list: Econach エコナック! Gleefully, I experimented to see if LUCKning could strike thrice in the same place: the hospital cafeteria where I received notification that my previous two limit-up plays, Yumemitsuketai 夢みつけ隊 & Kodama Chemical 児玉化学工業, were sold! 

  I placed the sell order for 400 shares at the ¥183 stop high quotation when the market price was ¥171 and waited... almost immediately after I WhatsApp-ed the order, Econach's price starting climbing back past the  ¥180 level & filled my heart with hope. Sure enough, it re-visited the stop high price slightly over an hour after that level was grazed due to what I would later discover was a raising of profit guidance & the company's first dividend since 1969!!!

  However, I waited & waited but no confirmation of my order arrived, leaving me miffed & mystified. Had my luck worn out? As it turned out, the confirmation came less than 15 minutes to the Tokyo close even though it was probably executed while I was dining on nasi lemak more than an hour prior! At the close, despite softening by nearly 8% from the limit high, it TOPped 🎌Japan's🎌 Top % Gainer tables handily:

  Thus, I exceeded my own expectations with the first foreign double in the same day days after the fourth Anniversary of the  China Mobile/ Petrochina  pairing on 18/2/21 & push my 🎌 Tokyo 🎌 tally to ELEVEN in '25 & 82 since my debut there in 2017! Also, another 3 foreign-winners-in-a-row attainment less than a fortnight after the unprecedented 5 foreign-wins-consecutively attainment to consolidate a fresh high of 1,136 successive days!!!



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