Monday, January 20, 2025

Live Miraculous Streak : Trump returns & the DREAM run reaches a MAGICAL number ! {20th Jan '25}

 Today the 45th & 47th President of the most powerful country in the world was sworn in, after my dearest Petronas Dagangan became one of only 5 stocks to win in SIX consecutive years or more, the others being Sino Hua-An[ 2017-2022], AHB [2016-2022] & top dogs Hwa Tai [2010-2017] which incidentally also scored big in 1999, 2001, 2004 & 2007 and Eversendai [2013-2020]!

   An instinctive entry at the lowest price on matching the solitary lot for sale at the open on the 16th gets partially divested in the odd lot market from $19.60[66 units] down to $19.58[1 unit] & $19.20[1 unit], bringing the tally from this stock since 2014 to $2,881.30 with dividends comprising exactly $1,000, as it enters an exclusive club of companies which have paid me over a thousand in dividends, which comprise Maybulk , YTL Corp , S'pore's Si2i , Japan's Nomura Holdings and Tobishima Supermax , Alcom , Sungei Bagan , Kuchai , BAT,  Tenaga Nasional , Pan-M'sian CorpBerjaya Sports Toto , Zhulian , Teo Guan Lee , M'sia Marine Heavy Engineering ManulifeLand & General Genting , WTK and Oriental Holdings!  Some companies fall just short of the four-figure mark in dividends like Naim Holdings , MPI , CEPCO , Petronas Gas , KLCC , Petron M'sia , MAA and Uchi Technologies

   In Japan, Yumemitsuketai 夢みつけ隊 falls back below the round number it came up from under, sold down relentlessly all day long as I predicted likely, based on the frequently observed flushing out of short-term overenthusiastic Japanese speculators chasing short-term windfalls:

And so, I attain a most gratifying, wondrous & invigorating 1111 consecutive days of stock trading income on the 20th day of the fresh, magical New Year! Ergo, since half-a-year before the end of the first Trump administration, the marathon has survived all attempts at its life[& there were many!] & endeavours to flourish in his second despite whatever challenges may arise!


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