Miraculous Streak : A Long-Desired Gain on Genetech Manifests ! 26 - 27/11/24
Out of fear that it would drop below my newest adjusted cost price, scorer #7 YTL Corp was hived down to just 178 shares on the 26th at an average of $1.915 before it handed the baton to Genetec Technology, a stock that I had long harboured a desire to earn from, on the 27th when it surged by limit-UP. Despite selling some a little too early, my average sale price for 70% of the investment averaged down thrice in Aug & Sep was a not too shabby $1.1029, despite losing on paper by as much as -37.8% at its lowest & being in the red during all of the interim waiting period! A dividend paid while waiting covered 64% of all the trading commissions up till then, while if the capital gain was added on, it covered 132% of the same commissions.
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