Miraculous Streak : Marching from the 1st Trump Presidency into the Second ! 6 - 7/11/24
By 2pm on 6th November, it was already clear that the American people from the lower economic strata had swung more towards the former President to assume alternate terms for the first time since 1892. Maiden scorer Sungei Bagan was again pared an eleventh time at $5.87 to reach 1,060 days in a row & counting for the record marathon run!
'24's 24th scorer Hexza returned again on the 7th to perpetuate the run with a complete exit of 351 shares in my Maybank IB low commission account to avoid a dividend crediting fee should the stock be held past 12th Dec. Interestingly, I used my other trading account to lure buyers in the odd lot market: taking a gamble that some mischevious trader would throw 1 unit when I queued to buy at $1.01[as often happened]. Instead, a buyer of 95 queued above me at $1.05 & I happily disposed of all 51 odd lot units to them while withdrawing the $1.01 queue!:
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