Live Streak : Saw Shinto 新東 Redemption..and a Hat3rick ! {10th Feb '25}
Today, I counted on another sale of latest scorer Gamuda to perpetuate the record, but also placed a standing sell queue at the maximum allowable price for Shinto 新東 , the one Japanese stock that could have helped me to equalize 2023's record tally of 23 winners. Instead, excessive greed got the better of me & I failed to more than double my capital plonked in within mere days! To add insult to unwanted emotion, it plunged in steeple fashion & dropped by almost 26% below my entry price on Black Monday, August 5th.
My consolation prize was the dividend paid in October that equated to a 1.7% ROI. Today that disappointment has been dissolved with a disposal at the 2nd limit UP price in a row[ & the 3rd Tokyo limit up disposal in 2 months], earning a net return of almost 30% within the last 9 months.
A further partial disposal of 2nd scorer Supermax & Gamuda were mere afterthoughts in the rare hattrick that brings the combined score to the 54th highest of all time!
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