Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Live Miraculous Streak : Lysaght Wins for the First Time since 1997! {11th Dec '24}

 This is a stock that last scored TWENTY-SEVEN years ago! Months before the memorably dastardly Asian Financial Crisis erupted in South-east Asia when the 'Second Board' bubble was still in the early days of a long, spectacular deflation. If memory serves me, I bought 1,000 Lysaght Galvanised Steel shares in the low $8 range & sold it shortly in the low $9 range in July of that year while temping in the NUS S'pore University Health Service clinic.

Fast forward 27 Earth revolutions around the Sun later, a 2022 purchase just to attend the first physical shareholder meeting post-pandemic is unwound after 5 dividends totaling 55c, bagging the 105th scorer, for a 47.3% capital gain to propel the record to 1,085 days successively!


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