Friday, October 28, 2011

Celebrated Life!

With 3 pizzas for an incredible offer price of $19.

I could certainly afford that treat after netting about $140 today on the equity market,and another $250 for my regular work, bringing stock profits for the week to about $220, and swelling my equity trust account to a balance of $7 300.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1 188 hours worked

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1 182 hours in 2011

Over 93% of the total in 2010, and I'm quite positive that it will exceed that record, despite the huge anticipated slowdown.

Friday, October 14, 2011

1 138 hours in 2011!

En-route to smashing 2010's record high.

Earned a paltry $43 on small positions in MudaJaya and RHB Capital held for two weeks,but I'm pleased with myself, for I sidestepped the recent market malaise and reaped profits of $200 through these rapid-fire speculative positions!